Graci the Yorkie 2001-2017

Graci the Yorkie has gone on ahead and is waiting for us to arrive.

AKC Emilly Grace Fancy Cake: Sept. 10, 2001 – May 2, 2017

Between September 10, 2001 and May 2, 2017, we had the honor of participating in the life of an innocent, happy and fun-loving Yorkie. Though we may still have other opportunities, Graci will always be loved and remembered.

We take comfort in the words of C.S. Lewis in his allegory The Great Divorce, describing a lady arriving in Heaven surrounded by animals:

“And how… but hullo! What are all these animals? A cat — two cats — dozens of cats. And all those dogs… why, I can’t count them. And the birds. And the horses.”

“They are her beasts.”

“Did she keep a sort of zoo? I mean, this is a bit too much.”

“Every beast and bird that came near her had its place in her love. In her they became themselves. And now the abundance of life she has in Christ from the Father flows over into them.”

I looked at my teacher in amazement.

“Yes,” he said. “It is like when you throw a stone into a pool, and the concentric waves spread out further and further. Who knows where it will end? Redeemed humanity is still young, it has hardly come to its full strength. But already there is joy enough in the little finger of a great saint such as yonder lady to waken all the dead things of the universe into life.”

We are thankful for the many blessings God has given us, and we now give Graci back to Him for safekeeping with Pepper. Onward and upward!

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2 Responses to Graci the Yorkie 2001-2017

  1. Pingback: Good night, Graci. |

  2. avatar Michael Graves says:

    So very sorry to hear about Graci’s passing.

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